Where to Start with Peptides

So you’re sold on peptides, and now you need the first steps! First off, congrats! You’re about to access healing in a supercharged way that you’ve likely never experienced before. 

If I were getting started again here’s what I would do: It always comes back to bio-individuality for your health. My needs and your needs will differ, that's why it’s critical you take EXTREME ownership of your health now and fully commit to the process of testing, learning and trying things out with an open mind. The best part is that peptides are naturally occurring in the body, you aren’t playing with sketchy drugs that destroy the natural intelligence of your body. In fact, you are simply augmenting the sophisticated nature of your design. Peptides are SAFE! Don’t let Dr. Google convince you otherwise. Unless you are completely reckless, you don’t need to fear peptide therapy:) 

SO, now it’s time to get you on your way to feeling like the rockstar that you were always intended to be! As hippocrates says “All disease begins in the gut” for this reason, my favorite peptide is BPC-157. If you have a symptom, condition or diagnosis I'm willing to bet your gut has something to do with it. BPC-157 stands for Body Protection Compound, it’s a peptide chain made up of 15 specific amino acids made synthetically in a lab. Unlike other peptides found in the body naturally, this one is designed using bits and pieces of beneficial compounds found in our gastric gut juices.

This peptide chain works its magic a few ways - first off, it tells the body to start building healthy new blood vessels wherever needed. It activates special proteins that kickstart vessel construction, bringing fresh circulation flow to injured or dysfunctional areas trying to heal.

BPC-157 can also weed out and block unhelpful growth inhibitors in the body that normally put a damper on cell repair. Removing these obstacles is like taking handcuffs off our natural mending systems and letting them operate at max power.

Thanks to fresher blood flow and blocking what hinders healing, areas like wounded or overworked tendons get major TLC from BPC-157 swooping in as a regenerative amplifier! The result is rapid relief and recovery. No wonder it's gaining popularity for tough-to-treat sports injuries.

My favorite part about BPC-157 is that because it is derived from gastric juices, it exhibits Gastrointestinal Healing Potential. In particular, it shows promise in treating gastric ulcers, fistulas, and erosions in early rodent trials. By accelerating tissue regeneration, angiogenesis, and cytoprotection of stomach/intestine barriers, supplemental BPC-157 may offer adjunctive benefit for painful gastrointestinal lesions and permeability complications. 

How many of us are struggling with GI issues? Virtually EVERYONE! That’s why this is one peptide I use continually.  I rotate between oral capsules and injectable forms regularly to support the continual assault of toxins and stress on my gut. If you have leaky gut, IBS/IBD, or food sensitivities, this peptide should make the list of top healing tools in your regimen.

So where does BPC-157 stand? For now, BPC-157 is awaiting full clinical trial completion which means the peptide sits in a gray area for now. Though not an official drug, it does legally pass for lab use and prescription access considering successful outcomes in animal studies. If you want to get your hands on my FAVORITE healing peptide BPC-157, Head to Limitless Life Nootropics (my personal resource for the highest quality peptides) linked HERE. For the oral version of BPC 157 head HERE