Toxic Pesticides & Your Kids


I don't know about you, but as a mama, the idea of unwittingly exposing my kids to harmful chemicals keeps me up at night. We try our best to eat organic, use clean products and avoid obvious toxins. But new research is showing our kiddos face pesticide exposures we'd never suspect - right under our noses.

Get this - 98% of pediatricians are seeing health issues related to chemicals in children! And studies confirm kids have way higher levels of pesticides in their bodies than adults. How?! Well...

Little ones eat more pound for pound. Their hand to mouth behaviors mean more ingestion. Just hanging out, playing on the ground puts them in contact with residues on floors, lawns, and playgrounds. Even "safe" home and garden pesticides get tracked inside. And kids absorb fumes we walk right by.

What's the impact? Impaired brain development, more infections, higher cancer risk. 😱 Not OK!


Time to lessen the toxic load. A few simple swaps make a big difference!

  • Leave those shoes at the door. Less tracking in chemicals.
  • Always wash hands before eating. Removes residues.
  • Clean with non-toxic products. Locks in health at home.

Plus choose organic foods when possible, press companies for safer practices, and support policies that truly protect our littlest and most vulnerable.

They’re counting on us, mamas! We’ve got this. Let’s take action together to cultivate healthier kids and families.