BPC-157 Oral Capsules Vs. Injection

The greatest part about my favorite peptide BPC- 157 is that it’s one of the only peptides that can be absorbed well in the gut. Meaning, if you are needle-avoidant, you can still reap the benefits of BPC-157 by taking it in capsule form. 

Now, let’s talk about the difference in delivery for a moment. Researchers think BPC-157 works its healing magic through a mix of amping up nitric oxide production, activating our cell crews that handle repairs, increasing growth factors, and calming inflammation. It kinda supercharges and smoothes the way for fixing battered areas.

Now you'd assume a peptide taken as a supplement would mostly affect the gut since they usually get chewed up before hitting the blood but it turns out oral BPC-157 (in some studies) STILL shows whole-body benefits down to reaching stubborn places like damaged tendons and nerves!

I’ve personally noticed a marked improvement in taking oral bpc when it comes to symptoms of inflammation, GI distress, and food intolerances. That being said, I noticed more improvement with the injectable form when it came to overall recovery during times of high stress (hello moving 4 times in one year with a newborn!) 


So my personal review is this: If you’re looking for localized healing, opt for the injectable form of BPC-157 and inject as closely as possible to the site of injury. If you’re dealing with chronic gut symptoms, opt for the capsules and bring in the injectable form if you don’t see any improvement after 60 days. 

If you are stressed, have a demanding job/ lifestyle, or are an athlete that consistently trains, you may want to consider taking bpc in a 5 day on 2 day off routine of injectable form for a longer period of time. This is currently what I am doing and notice my recovery, sleep and energy are better sustained. For those looking to improve gut health (especially after antibiotics)  try a 2 month round of GI repair linked below! 


For my personal dosing structure make sure you’re on my email list:)  

To access BPC -157 in capsule form head HERE 

For the best injectable form head HERE