Boost Your Immunity with These 8 Natural Remedies


Cold and flu season is upon us, but who even has time to get sick these days? As soon as I feel a scratchy throat coming on, I pull out my arsenal of natural immune boosters to nip any illness in the bud. I'm sharing my 10 go-to remedies so you can stay healthy all season long!

1. Crack a Window
This one may seem simple, but getting some fresh air helps clear out any accumulated allergens or germs in your home. Open things up and air out your space a bit!

2. Astragalus
This herb has powerful anti-viral and antibacterial properties to fight infections. Some studies show it stimulates immune function to prevent colds as well. I take astragalus supplements at the first sign of sickness. 

3. Colloidal Silver
A must-have for nasal and sinus infections! Colloidal silver is a great natural antibiotic, reducing inflammation substantially. It's also been shown to address pathogens that trigger respiratory allergies. I use it as a nasal spray. 

4. Reishi Mushrooms
Medicinal mushrooms like reishi and turkey tail fight inflammation and may have protective effects against some cancers. Mushrooms' immune-regulating compounds affect various infection-fighting cells. I drink reishi tea daily!

5. Fire Cider
This zesty lemon-shot-like tonic contains onion, garlic, ginger, herbs, vinegar and raw honey to supercharge immunity. It packs anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial powers I want on my team!

6. Fermented Honey Garlic
I take a spoonful of this immune-boosting combo at the first sign of illness. The fermentation reduces garlic's bite while preserving the cloves, creating an antimicrobial syrup that also benefits the heart and brain. 

7. Vitamin C & Zinc
These classic cold-fighting nutrients get to work reducing duration and severity. I up my dosage of vitamin C supplements with every meal when feeling under the weather. 

8. Vitamin D
Also known as "the sunshine vitamin," Vitamin D plays a huge role in immune regulation and potential respiratory infection prevention. I prioritize getting midday sun exposure and take a D3 supplement.